DGFEZ ICT Networking Day was held on October 20, 2022, at COEX(Seoul), Korea. The event amused and enlightened the attendees with its numerous programs, including lecture sessions on ICT trends and new technology and networking opportunities with pr...
DGFEZ Trade Delegation Visited Dubai
DGFEZ trade delegation visited Dubai from October 10th to 14th. The team consisted of 7 tenant companies of DGFEZ and supporters from DGFEZ and the Chamber of Commerce & Industry. [Scehdule Overview] Oct. 11 : Export consultation meeting wit...
2022 DGFEZ Scale-Up Seminar for Biotech Companies
DGFEZ held a Scale-Up Seminar for biotech companies on September 30th at the Hotel Inter-Burgo following last year. With approx. 50 attendance, the event was held successfully.
DGFEZ Held a Meeting for the Tenant Companies-to-be
On September 27, DGFEZ held a meeting for the companies scheduled to move into Pohang Fusion Tech District at the Pohang Knowledge Industry Center. The meeting was accompanied by 23 representatives and executives of 19 companies. At the meeting, DGF...
Industry-University Cooperation Meeting of Gyeongsan Knowled...
DGFEZ held a working session with representatives of Industry and the Academy of Gyeongsan Knowledge Industry district on September 23, 2022. The session was held to establish an Innovation cluster within the district to improve the business e...
Seminar for the Tenant Companies of Yeongcheon Industry Dist...
On September 22, 2022, DGFEZ held a seminar for Yeongcheon Industry District tenant companies. The seminar was accompanied by 25 persons and mainly focused on the R&D ability strengthening strategy for the members.
2022 Investment Consultation Meeting for DGFEZ Tenant Compan...
The investment consultation meeting was held as a place between the tenant companies of DGFEZ and potential investors for conducting activities regarding corporate IR and networking which present the related companies and promote core technologies of...
DGFEZ Celebrated its 14th Anniversary
On 17 Aug. 2022, DGFEZ celebrated its 14th anniversary with great pleasure. For the past 14 years, 641 domestic companies and 31 foreign companies decided to join DGFEZ and invested USD 763 million and KRW 5,36 trillion into the zone, creating 22,00...
Malaysian government delegation visited DGFEZ
Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) with five other Malaysian institutions visited Daegu-Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone (Commissioner: Choi Sam Ryong, DGFEZ) Authority to benchmark advanced Korean industrial complex and to establish inves...
DGFEZ at the 14th Industry Convergence Networking Day
DGFEZ operated a consultation booth in the '14th Inudstry Convergence Networking Day' and conducted activities to promote DGFEZ and introduce moving-in procedures to Suseong Medical District and Daegu Technopolis for foreign companies, target...