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DGFEZ was Selected for MOTIE's Innovation Ecosystem Creation Project

2023-03-15 00:00:00






230315_2023년 혁신생태계 조성사업 선정_그림.jpg

`Daegu-Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone(DGFEZ) was chosen for the public invitation to create an Innovation Ecosystem by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE).
* Innovation Ecosystem Creation Project
: a project to develop and improve the Free Economic Zone through the foundation construction of the innovation cluster and strengthening enterprises’ capability

In 2022, DGFEZ was chosen for the 2-year-long project and has been establishing Innovation Ecosystem in the zone with Pohang Technopark as a primary handler.

​And as of March 15, DGFEZ was chosen for another MOTIE's Innovation Ecosystem creation project for the year 2023. This new project is going to be conducted by Gyeongbuk Research Institute of Vehicle Embedded Technology(GIVET) with the participation of Daegu Gyeongbuk Advanced Medical Industry Promotion Foundation(KMEDIhub), leading DGFEZ's development to the next step.
​Until 2034, this 760-million-won project will perform numerous tasks for two years.

✔ Foundation construction of Cluster
✔ Commercialization Support
✔ Technology Support
✔ Consultation on Specializati​on
