DGFEZ to succeed in attracting a Korean traditional medicine...
DGFEZ to succeed in attracting a Korean traditional medicine manufacturer -A leading Korean traditional medicine manufacturer coming to Yeongcheon High-Level Parts and Materials Industry District with an agreement of $8m investment ...
“DGFEZ”to lead in solving business difficulties and making i...
“DGFEZ” to lead in solving business difficulties and making inroads into new markets! Ms. Inseon Lee, Commissioner of DGFEZ sent a trading delegate for Japanese comsumer goods, consisting of seven companies in DGFEZ consumer g...
DGFEZ to Hold 2018 Global Forum
DGFEZ to Hold 2018 Global Forum - James Kim, Chairman of AMCHAM, Eric Balivet, CEO of PHC Valeo, a head of KOTRA Investment Planning Team, and other domestic and foreign indutrial and investment specialists were participated in the forum - Discus...
MOU Sealed Between Yeongcheon Free Economic Zone and Foreign...
MOU Sealed Between Yeongcheon Free Economic Zone and Foreign Investment Companies - Taseu in Korea and 達榮金屬科技 in Taiwan agree to $10m Joint Venture- ● Daegu Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone Authority (DGFEZ) - A total of $10m ($1.5m from foreign i...
DGFEZ Signs Business Cooperation Agreement with Korea Chines...
DGFEZ Signs Business Cooperation Agreement with Korea Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KCCCI) - Full-scale administrative support and IR activities planned for Chinese companies - Prospective investment...
DGFEZ attracts a KRW100 billion investment from Samick-THK
DGFEZ attracts a KRW100 billion investment from Samick-THK (foreign-invested firm) 98.7billion won includes expansion of LM guide assembly line in a 43,000m2 lot in Daegu Technopolis THK Japan to invest 15 million dollars, accountin...
DGFEZ signed a MOU with Dubai Airport Freezone Authority
DGFEZ signed a MOU with Dubai Airport Authority, establishing cooperative relationship Daegu-Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone Authority (Commmissioner Inseon Lee) signed a MOU on May 1, 2018 for investment cooperation with the Dubai Airport Freezone...
DGFEZ signed a MOU with China Small Business Association
Daegu-Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone Authority signed a cooperation agreement with China Small Business Association in a full-fledged search for potential investment targets in China Daegu-Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone Authority (DGFEZ) and China...
DGEFZ held an investor roadshow in Atlanta, Alabama
Daegu-Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone Authority (Commissioner, Inseon Lee) held an investor roadshow in Atlanta, Alabama Daegu-Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone Authority (Commissioner Inseon Lee, hereinafter referred to as "DGFEZ") launched...
Continued Achievements of the Suseong Medical District and T...
Continued Achievements of the Suseong Medical District and Technopolis for Expanding the Domain of FDI to China and Vietnam! - 13 million dollars investment into the display8 and semi-conductor production equipment and automobile R&D DGFEZ h...