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Vol.26_ Newsletter - Daegu-Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone Changes Development...

2023-09-27 15:27:10







Daegu-Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone Changes
Development Plan and Name to "Suseong Alpha City"
The recent change in the development plan for the Suseong Medical Zone aims to enhance Suseong Alpha City through the creation of a digital innovation hub for the national digital revolution. This transformation aims to establish Suseong Alpha City as the largest non-capital advanced IT/SW convergence cluster and provide strong support for Daegu's "Future 50 Years."
The key changes in the development plan are as follows:
1. Change of Zone Name:
- Daegu-Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone Suseong Medical Zone Daegu-Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone Suseong Alpha City
2. Change in Development Direction:
- Knowledge-based service industries such as medical, IT, and SW Knowledge-based service industries with a focus on IT and SW
3. Land Use Plan Changes:
- Removal of medical facility areas Change to knowledge-based industry facility areas, addition of roads and pedestrian paths
With these changes, the Daegu-Gyeongbuk Free Economic Zone Authority aims to facilitate the creation of an "ABB Industrial Base Digital Innovation Hub" that can rival Pangyo Valley. The future implementation plan changes, infrastructure construction, and land allocation will contribute to the area's transformation into a hub for digital innovation.

